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Ellie West, Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy
Inside Inspiration: Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy

Courage Ellie West Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy Courage is more than facing fear and doubt; it’s also about standing up for my beliefs and values, speaking the truth, and being open to opportunities for growth in all my experiences. By choosing to build courage, I declare my intention to live a life of my design that is true to who I am on the deepest level.

I don’t know who wrote this manifesto, but I found it about three years ago when I chose a word for that year. This resonated with me, and I still ponder “courage” daily.

I think about courage and what it means to different people. This word came alive the year I chose it as I made many changes and ventured outside my comfort zone…and it still speaks to my heart today.

This past week, someone asked me about my book, “Soar,” the story I wrote about my journey. Some are typical questions such as: how long did it take you to write your book? Why did you write a book, or how is your book doing? They are all great questions that allow me to share a glimpse of who I am and my story.

I desire to inspire others to write their story, as we all have a story, and your story matters. Is it worth being transparent and vulnerable if your story could change one person’s life for the better? Absolutely! In writing my story, I set my intention, and that intention was to influence at least one person positively.

Was it scary to share my story with others to read before it was published? Yes, but I knew in my heart that someone needed to hear it. I had to trust that what had been lying dormant for many years needed to be released for my healing journey to begin.

For too many years, I feared people would either reject me or judge me if I shared some painful parts of my life. Even writing weekly articles brought some fear, but I have learned that sharing our stories, pain, and trauma brings hope and inspiration to others.

It takes bravery to step out of our comfort zones and share our experiences with the world, but the outcome can be life-changing not only for the reader but for the writer as well.

Writing a book can be a long and challenging process, but the reward of knowing that someone somewhere can relate to your story makes it all worth it. There was so much healing that came in writing my story. For me, it was not about becoming a best-selling author or receiving endless accolades. It was more about connecting with other human beings and possibly changing their lives for the better.

We have all heard of heroic stories involving courage, but I have learned that courage is only sometimes dramatic or heroic. Courage can be found in small acts of kindness, in our daily choices, and in the moments when we choose to be vulnerable and authentic. Courage is about taking risks, even when it’s scary or uncertain. It’s about being willing to fail and learn from our mistakes. It’s about owning our mistakes and taking responsibility for our actions. Courage is also about standing up for what you believe in, even when others disagree. It’s about speaking up and advocating for yourself and others. It’s about being willing to have those difficult conversations and listening intently with an open mind. Courage is about being true to yourself and your values. It’s about living with integrity and doing what’s right, even when it’s not easy or popular. It’s about being willing to stand alone if necessary and to follow your path even if it takes you out of the norm. Courage is the determination to persevere even in the face of adversity and to keep moving forward when the road seems impossible. Courage is about living a life that is authentically who you are and what you believe in. It’s about making the most of every moment and living your life to the fullest.

Whether through a book, blog, or even a conversation with a friend, you never know who may be inspired by your experiences. So, your story matters and deserves to be shared with the world.

Be courageous, be vulnerable, be you, and never underestimate the power of your story.

“You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both.” ~Brene Brown

To connect with Ellie FB/IG @coachelliewest