National Day of Prayer observed at the American Legion in Townsend
 | Author: Matt Nelson MT43 News Correspondent |
National Day of Prayer observed at the American Legion in Townsend
Matthew Nelson
On May 4th the American Legion Post 42 hosted the National Day of Prayer. The welcome was given by Roland Heaton, and then after all present said the Pledge of Allegiance, prayers were given by some of the pastors in Townsend.
Father Cody Williams of the Holy Cross Catholic Church prayed for Education and Media; Mele Moa, the pastor of the United Methodist Church prayed for Church and Family; Pastor Mark Roelofs, the pastor of the Trailhead Christian Church gave a prayer for Farmers and Ranchers and the Business owners; Larry Westfall, the Commander of the Post 42, and American Legion Unit 42 Auxiliary Chaplain, Judy Lund, prayed for all of our military personnel; and the guest speaker was Don Hettinger, who is Messianic-Jewish, “The name given to New Covenant faith in Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah by those who are of Jewish heritage." (
Don remarked, “Prayer is talking to God about problems needing solutions. And Joy needs to be shared.”
Roland closed with a prayer for Thankfulness and Benediction. The whole event was very powerful, and truly one could feel the presence of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God Bless.
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PhotoCredit: Matt Nelson
Image 1 Caption: National Day of Prayer Speakers - Back row L-R: Pastor Mark Roelofs, Roland Heaton,