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FFA Reports → State Report April
Author: Kaitlyn Noyes

FFA Reports → State Report April

Kaitlyn Noyes, Broadwater FFA Reporter

April 17th - May 1st, 2023

Future Farmers of America (FFA) Officer Banquet: 8th Annual FFA Awards Banquet

On April 17th, 2023, Broadwater FFA held our 8th Annual Awards Banquet! The night included a

delicious pasta dinner provided by Kelly Morrow, a keynote speaker, degree recognition, awards, new

officer installations, and was finished off with dessert cookies provided by the FFA Alumni and Supports


Our inspiring keynote speaker was Kelsey Proue, the Montana FFA Foundation Director of

Operations, who talked about her own experience in agriculture and working with the FFA Foundation.

She reminded us to keep our options open and to have goals but be open to new opportunities that come


FFA is structured into a degree program that rewards active FFA members for progress in all

phases of leadership, skills, and occupational development. The first degree is the Discovery FFA Degree.

To be eligible for this degree, 8th-grade students must be enrolled in an agricultural course for a portion of

the school year and participate in at least one local FFA chapter activity. It is my great pleasure to say that

our Discovery Degree Recipients went above and beyond the basics and took their Conduct of Chapter

Meetings team to the State Convention this year. Our Discovery Degree recipients were Jacey Brunette,

Airabella McDaniel, Sarah Morgan, Amy Peters, Jazel Ragen, Sierra Sherrard, Emily Taves, and Madison


Additionally, the recipients of the Greenhand Degree were Ashley Sanderson, Kaitlyn Noyes,

Aiden Kitto, Spencer Braaten, Ross MacDonald, and Julian Stewart. For a member to receive their

Greenhand FFA Degree they must---Enroll in an agricultural education class and have satisfactory plans

for a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). They need to learn and explain the FFA Creed, Mission,

Motto, and salute. They also need to describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors,

along with demonstrating an understanding of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA

jacket. Greenhands must demonstrate an understanding of the history of the organization, the chapter

constitution and bylaws, and the chapter Program of Activities. They also must submit a written

application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.

We also honored Kadyn Braaten on receiving her American Degree. This means that she had to

get her State FFA Degree and be an active FFA member for the past 36 months. She had to take a

minimum of 540 hours of agricultural education courses, have an operational and well documented

Supervised Agricultural Experience, and have earned $10,000 and productively invested $7,500 or spent

over 2,250 hours in excess of scheduled class time. She needed to have a record of outstanding leadership

abilities and community involvement, and have achieved a high school scholastic record of “C” or better.

She also needed to complete 50 hours of community service. Less than 1% of FFA Members actually

complete their American FFA Degree.

This year our chapter also selected three Honorary Degree Recipients. The purpose of the

The honorary FFA Degree is to recognize individuals who have rendered outstanding service to agricultural

education and FFA. Individuals nominated must have provided exceptional service to agriculture,

agricultural education, and/or FFA. This year’s honorary FFA Degree Recipients are Lisa Higgins, Jess

Moody, and Tyler Noyes.

We recognized many of our members for their outstanding accomplishments this year. First was

the “Most Active Award” to Freshmen: Spencer Braaten and Ashley Sanderson, Sophomore: Amanda

Pesiscka, Junior: Kayla Kraft, Senior: Justene Santi, and Overall: Kaitlyn Noyes. The average number of

activities that these students attended this year was 20 FFA activities. Next, we awarded the “Merit

Award” given to Freshmen: Kaitlyn Noyes and Ashley Sanderson, and Junior: Kayla Kraft.

Each Agricultural Education student is tasked with creating a Supervised Agricultural

Experience (SAE). The SAE program is the best way for students to control what they learn, do and earn. There

is potential to earn cash, awards, and recognition. SAEs are year-round projects or enterprises where you

apply agricultural skills and knowledge taught in the classroom. This year, we awarded a $150 grant to

Spencer Braaten’s Berkshire Breeding Entrepreneurship SAE. He will use the funds for designing a label

for his meat-selling business.

We also recognized community members who have gone above and beyond with the support of

our chapter. Recognition was also given to Hugh Braaten for “Outstanding Citizenship” and the Fishtale

Tavern for “Outstanding Business”. We could not accomplish the things that we have without the support

and help from members of our community, such as these great examples.

Now, the part everyone was looking forward to, our new officers! Thanks to our nominating

committee, Codie Skillman, Justene Santi, Bailey Taves, Alana Oisted, and Rick Naber, we are proud to

announce the installation of our new officers as follows:

President: Kayla Kraft

Vice President: Amanda Pesiscka

Secretary: Ashley Sanderson

Treasurer: Ross MacDonald

Reporter: Kaitlyn Noyes

Sentinel: Spencer Braaten

Historian: Jacey Brunette

Parliamentarian: Grace Kroeger

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