Junior Prom Produces Fun and Fantasy
| Author: Nancy Marks, Reporter Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Junior Prom Produces Fun and Fantasy
Nancy Marks
Broadwater High School’s Junior Prom turned out to be fun and full of fantasy with a black and gold roaring-twenties theme full of ostrich feathers and candelabras on the tables. Couples dressed in formal attire, couples dressed in camouflage outfits and couples wearing cowboy outfits set the scene.
The flavor of the junior prom has changed. No longer is it necessary to have a formal date, boy-girl style with a long dress, tuxedo and corsage. No longer do students stay home because they don’t have a formal date. They go with friends or in groups and just have fun. Many students are entertained by their parents with a fancy dinner at home or eat at the restaurant of their choice. The annual event is chaperoned by the Junior Class advisors and High School Principal Sheri Heavrin. “The kids come just to have fun and enjoy the show,” Heavrin laughed.
Parents come to clap for their kids and then go home. The night belongs to the school freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. The atmosphere is relaxed and full of performances for the camera of photographer Kelly Morris. Couples gave high-fives and performed cool dance moves. Some of the boys even did backflips. It was a night to be remembered.
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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Walker Spurlock and Montana Hedstrom trip the light fantastic with special costumes and a confetti bomb.
Image 2 Caption: Luci Horne and Boe Smith were crowned princess and prince by their peers.
Image 3 Caption: King James Pittassy and Queen Sienna Everett beam in their crowns.