Part of Lucifer Street in Toston Abandoned
 | Author: Nancy Marks, Reporter Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Part of Lucifer Street in Toston Abandoned
Nancy Marks, Reporter
The devil has met his due: One-half of Lucifer Street in Toston has been permanently abandoned by the county. Toston residents Bill and Marilyn Lane have approached the county over a period of years to abandon the one block of Lucifer which dead ends at their property line. One-half of Lucifer Street borders their property. The street had been closed for many years.
County Surveyor Administrator and Clerk and Recorder Angie Paulsen presented a petition to abandon the one-block street. The area is at the end of Ferry Street and what used to be Lucifer Street. During a public meeting, the commissioners heard Deputy County Attorney Jania Hatfield explain the road had been officially closed in 1982 but never legally abandoned. “The designated street is county property and must be abandoned before a quit claim deed can be filed to sell the street area to the Lanes for one dollar and other considerations,” explained Hatfield.
Commissioner Lyndsey Richtmyer asked why the entire block of Lucifer was not abandoned. Hatfield said only one-half of the street bordered the Lane property, Lanes petitioned to have that half abandoned. The commissioners closed the public meeting, then approved a resolution to abandon the street and sign the quit claim deed.
In other business, Tom Helm and Aleida Stone of Toston requested an exemption from subdivision regulations for a boundary relocation on their property which fronts on the Broadwater Missouri canal. Commissioners accepted the exemption. Helm explained he wanted to protect the fifty-foot easement along the canal from future encroachment by moving his ground’s boundary west.
Stephen and Monique Helsen also requested a boundary relocation. Their property lies in both the Crimson Bluffs Subdivision and the Marosky Subdivision. Community Planning and Development Director Nichole Brown explained after several amendments to the petition, the three lots would still be served by a private access road. The properties are on River Road. The request for exemption was approved.
Broadwater County Sheriff Nick Rauser requested and received approval for a change in position names and duties within his department. The position change would encourage employees to move up in the department and help retain them. The new position will not change the department budget. “I can create another position within the current employee positions that will allow room for growth and development within the department,” he said.
Chief Executive Officer Sydney Blair of Many Rivers Whole Health Community Services, Great Falls, discussed bringing certified community mental health and substance abuse services to Townsend. Services would include evaluation and Medicaid-covered treatment. The organization has residential treatment homes in Kalispell and Great Falls.
If Broadwater County would support their services they would provide a liaison person to coordinate services between the Sheriff’s office and the client. During discussion, Commission Chair Debi Randolph suggested Blair coordinate with other service organizations operating in the county. In a handout, Blair said her organization would be asking for a financial contribution and some kind of office space. No action was taken.
Commissioner Darrel Folkvord, liaison between the board and the Airport Board, submitted two task orders to furnish engineering services provided by Robert Peccia and Associates, Helena. The first task order would cover project startup work including preparing Federal Aviation Act (FAA) reports. Folkvord requested $24,480 to pay for engineering services. The second task order is for $20,910 to pay Peccia and Associates to prepare paperwork for land acquisition, negotiating with landowners, appraisals and coordinating the environmental impact statement (EIS). “If the board approves the task orders, ninety percent of the costs will be covered by FAA funds,” Folkvord said.
Commissioners voted to approve both task orders.
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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Ferry Street intersects with the abandoned Lucifer Street just past the Broadwater Missouri Canal bridge.