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This Week in History Oct 13


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

October 13


“Canton Valley News”

The rainfall beginning on Saturday evening was one of the heaviest in this section of the county for this season, catching several of the farmers, who were not through threshing their grain crops, also delaying beet hauling.

Five cattle riders from this valley, consisting of Lonnie Merritt, Phil Whaley, Jim McMahon, and Ross Babcock, will ride the Eagle Creek stock range Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week gathering their stock in for winter, they will be assisted by four riders from Crow Creek who also have stock in the same area.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer of the Winston valley and their daughter, Josephine, visited one day last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Weiferich and family near Canton.

Chas. Horne is operating the valley school bus this week for the regular driver, Delbert Herron, who is on the sick list.

Harvey Keene and Fred Lemons motored to Great Falls Saturday on business. They were accompanied by Miss Mamie Darlington, instructor in the Broadwater High School, who caught the bus from there on to Brady, where she visited friends until Sunday afternoon after which the three parties returned that evening to Townsend.


“Crow Creek News”

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slifka and their sons, Richard and Franklin, have returned from a short vacation trip to Danvers, Mont. They were visiting Mrs. Slifka’s father, Frank Tucek.

Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kimpton have returned form a two week trip spent on the west coast.

Mrs. Verna Hensley was agreeably surprised on Oct. 5 when her daughter Mrs. Lawrence Poe of Townsend and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Woodrow Hensley of the valley entertained in honor of her birthday. The party was held at the Woodrow Hensley home with the following as guests who enjoyed a pleasant afternoon ending with ice cream and cake: Mrs. Earl Webb, Mrs. Ben Webb, Mrs. Chester Nelson, Mrs. Elaine Taylor, Mrs. Don Scoffield, Mrs. Chester Scoffield, Mrs. Frank Slifka, Mrs. Hermia Jefts and the honor guest, Mrs. Verna Hensley.

Mrs. Herman Moudree entertained on Oct. 8 honoring her son, Gary, on his 2nd birthday. Games were enjoyed by the little folk followed with ice cream and cake. Guests were Charles Meeker, of Bozeman; Carol Lee Antonetti, Tommy and Larry Massa of Townsend and Patricia and Mary Ann Hensley, Jimmie Webb, Richard and Franklin Slifka and Merle Turman of the valley.


“Compilation of School Annuals Calls for Help”

Hoping to find all the back numbers of the different annals of Broadwater County High School, Superintendent D.J. Jeffries has started to get together as many as possible as a reference source for the school. The set that was formerly given the school was worn out and evidently done away with before Mr. Jeffries came hare, he said. Anyone possessing any of the annuals and wanting to donate them for the collection are invited to get in touch with Mr. Jeffries.

“Drunkenist Driver of Year Arrested Here”

Not only did Sheriff Jack Foster apprehend a drunken driver, but blood tests revealed he was the drunkenist driver of the year, so far, in Montana. According to Foster, .15 is termed drunk but this one’s blood tested .36.


“Bulldogs Continue to roll; Shut Out White Sulphur springs 31-0 Last Week” - by Joe Jepson

The Broadwater Bulldogs rolled to a 31-0 victory over the White Sulphur Springs Hornets here last Friday for their fourth straight victory and first conference win.

The Bulldogs will be after their second conference win when they meet Rosary here tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rosary squeaked by Hobson Saturday 37-26 in a non-conference game.

The Bulldog’s first touchdown came when quarterback, Dale Sprout, went around end for 37 yards and the score on the fourth play of the game. Fullback Paul Harris was the next Bulldog to find daylight when he went around end for 31 yards in the middle of the second quarter, and Brad Tarrant plunged for the extra point. Quarter back Sprout hit Mike Harrigfeld for a 26 yard pass play and left the score at 19-0 at halftime.

The Bulldog offense was plagued with fumbles and penalties on the third quarter which halted scoring attempts.

1n the fourth quarter it was a different story. Harris went 13 yards for a touchdown midway through the period and seconds later end Harrigfeld recovered a fumble on the W.S.S. one yard line and Sprout sneaked it across the next play.

Coach Gillespie praised the defensive efforts of guard Cliff O’Hern and linebacker Tarrant and Harris’s running.

Harris lead all rushers with 111 yards in 14 carries. Townsend gained 246 yards rushing and 92 yards passing compared with White Sulphur Springs 62 on the ground and 23 in the air.

“Bulldog Day” for the home team is this Friday and I am sure they will appreciate your support. Queen candidates for this event are Bobbie Barhtule, Shirley Page, Debbie Holland and Jo Ann Hunsaker. Halftime entertainment will be furnished by the band and twirlers, followed by the crowning of the queen. That evening there will be a Bulldog dance in the old gym with live music from 9:00 p.m. ‘til midnight.

Next week the Bulldogs will meet the Belgrade team on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. at Belgrade. The Wednesday game is scheduled because of a teacher’s convention. This could be our toughest opponent of the season.