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Week in History - May 25


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

May 25


“Radersburg News”

A successful term of school came to a close Friday. The usual picnic was given, but due to the rain, it was held in the community center hall. After a delicious dinner, which was prepared by all the ladies, the afternoon was spent in playing games and a very good time was reported by all who attended.

Miss Genevieve Stubblefield is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.K. Parker.

Due to the rain the Toston school children came up to Radersburg and held their school picnic in the community center hall on Thursday.

Bob Harris, Henry Doughty and Betty Doughty motored to Helena Friday. Miss Betty remained in Helena for a few days visit with her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Crago and family.


“Townsend Briefs”

Mrs. Gray P. Keene, teacher of Beaver Creek school reports that last Thursday the school had Open House to patrons and friends in the area, a large number turning out to view the work of the children on display and enjoy treats together, as Mrs. Leslie Davies brought an unusually generous treat of homemade candies for everyone, Mrs. Keene said.

Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Brisbin and daughter, Judy, arrived in Townsend late Sunday evening from Malta where they had resided during the school year. Mr. Brisbin finishing his first year teaching in the high school. They are visiting in the home of Mrs. Brisbin’s mother, Mrs. Lily Clare. Mr. Brisbin (Buzz to home folks) will return to Malta early in June where he will direct a two-months recreational program of out door sports and swimming. They stopped in Helena enroute here to visit Mr. Brisbin’s mother, Mrs. Roy Brisbin.

The faculty of the Townsend schools were honored at a garden party given Friday afternoon at 4:30 in the garden of the Kapinos apartments. The hostesses were Mrs. Marie Sautter, Miss Stamm and Miss Yarick.


“Spring Musicale Well Attended”

From the opening number, “The Star Spangled Banner”, played by Mary Hagbom, until the last strains of music died away, some two hours later, a large crowd enjoyed the spring musicale. This program was presented Friday, May 12, by the students of Lorraine Kitto at the multi-purpose room in Townsend, Jerry, Rickie and Billy Kitto sang “My Mommie” in honor of all the mothers present, and a hymn, “The savior with Me”.

Prizes were awarded for the highest grades earned during the past several months by the grade school students with the first award going to Mary Hagbom. Nancy Marks was second and Lance Davis and Peggy Christie were tied for third place. Honorable mention went to George Lampman, Anita Olsen, Lisa Lanning, Mary Jane Bucy, Carol Carter, Scott Graham, Mary Ann Hensley and Irene Thompson.

Marietta and Marnie Lanning, Connie Sprout, Beverly Thompson, Merle Turman, Beth Thompson and Deena Hollaway played the same numbers they presented at the music festivals in Bozeman and Missoula.

Others who took part in the recital were Patricia Perry, John Mcnulty, Chris Ragen, Mike Harrigfeld, Allene Goodwin, Nancy Fryhling, Teri Williams, Marcia Moudree, Roene Taylor, Kathy Ragen, Jim Valentine, Debra Holland, Phyllis Kujath, Tim Turman, Jerry Kitto, Lynn Meyer, Cynda Holland, Karen and Judy Hunsaker, Mary Ellen McNulty, Laurie Lanning, Barbara Lambert, Gene Thompson, Larry Lundborg, Kathy Iverson, Gloria Fryhling, Connie Montgomery, Barbara Lewis, Bonnie Bruce, Terri Ralls, Bob Thompson and Dennis Kelly.

A beautiful bouquet of gladioli, given to the group by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, graced the stage. Mrs. Mary Ann Lots gave Mrs. Kitto a lovely corsage and her pupils also presented her with a gift.


“Local News”

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holling and sons were in Gallatin Gateway Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Townsley and to enjoy some fishing.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sears and family were visiting in Great Falls Sunday.

The Mel Grover family left the latter part of last week for a short vacation. They plan to visit his brother, Jess and family at Blanding, Utah, go on to Flagstaff, Ariz., where they will be joined by a son, Kent, and come home via the Grand Canyon and other points of interest in northern Arizona and southern Utah. They also plan to visit another brother, Scott and family at Brigham City, Utah and other relatives in that area.

Mrs. Pearl Barraugh of Helena visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wogamon and family Monday.


“White Excels at Olympics”

Blaine White, a 9-year-old student at Cecelia Hazelton Elementary school in Townsend, represented Townsend at the Special Olympics held over the last weekend in Bozeman.

Blaine gave a fine showing, winning a gold medal in the 50-yard dash; a silver medal in bowling and 2 bronze medals in the long jump and Frisbee throwing competition.

The Special Olympics is a project of the Jaycees and Jayceens, and they helped fund Blaine’s expenses while at the competition.

Blaine is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry White. He was accompanied to the Special Olympics by his mother, Joyce White, and by Dan Stocks.

“McConnell and Kieckbusch Win 10 Speed Bikes”

The March of Dimes Walk-a-thon, sponsored by the Broadwater Jaycees is over for another year, and was termed a huge success by chairmen of the event.

A picnic culminated the event Sunday at the Water Tower park on Broadway and a good turnout of participants enjoyed the hot dogs, chips and pop served by the Jaycees. Prizes were also awarded at the picnic.

Winning a 10-speed bike for the most money collected were Steve McConnell and Julie Kieckbusch. Summer McConnell was awarded a $25 savings bond donated by State Bank of Townsend for being the Youngest Walker; Frank Holloway was the Oldest Walker and received a MOD plaque. A tie for the Fastest Walker was awarded to Mary Antonick and Spencer Ouren. Each won a burger, fries and coke at the A&W; Linda Poe won the “most money turned in by an adult” with a gift from Neifert & White.

Other names were drawn for prizes and included Bobby Brammer, hamburger and coke from Ray’s Horseshoe Cafe; Brenda Newville, hamburger and coke from the Dairy Bar; Leah Chamberlin Colleen Devaney and David Dolezilek, prizes from Francisco Pharmacy. Numerous other merchants contributed prizes and money toward the Walk-a-thon also.

Chairman Dale Bjorge, stated that any persons who have not turned in their Walk-a-thon pledges may still do so by taking it to the State Bank or giving funds to him. To date, $3,102 has been collected by the hikers and turned in to the Jaycee group.