This Week in History - May 11
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”
May 11
“Court House Lawn Gets Spruced Up”
A tree and its earth-protected roots, weighing five tons, was unloaded and planted in the lawn of the courthouse here last Friday. The tree, a Colorado Blue Spruce, is about 30 feet tall and was placed at the east and south corner of the main building.
The planting was a part of the WPA project now underway at the courthouse. The crew, doing their own work, was allowed to dig it from the State Nursery and Seed company’s tree nursery near Helena. The price was very reasonable, the cost being but $50, it is said. Another one, but smaller, will be planted in the city park across the street.
“Neifert-White Firm Finishing New Modern Building”
Standing out as Townsend’s largest business enterprise, the Neifert-White Company located on Front Street facing into the main street of the town, has just about completed a very large remodeling and expansion job for their firm.
The original corner has been given a face lifting seldom equaled in the remodeling of an old building. A year or two ago a large addition was built on the south with ceiling to floor show windows in the front and side. Now the original building has been reconstructed to match the new part and the long ceiling to floor plate glass windows in metal cases gives the old part a new appearance. The outside walls have been given a stucco finish and the entire structure is now almost finished and would compare favorably with city structures anywhere.
A tourist passing through on the two highways that intersect at the Neifert-White corner could not pass without being very impressed and home guards are proud to have such a complete and fine business enterprise in their community.
D.W. Neifert and Hubert G. White, owners, have announced that they are planning a grand opening in the near future just as soon as they can put the last finishing touches on the interior.
“Winston News”
Mrs. Lillie Welch returned home to Townsend Saturday. She has been a visitor at the W.A. Bisby residence.
Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Diehl and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead went to a dinner-dance Saturday evening, May 6, at the River Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davies and son and Carol Whitehead attended the show in Townsend Saturday evening.
Last week Leslie Davies purchased a new 2000 Chevrolet truck, 50 model.
Hugh Whitehead is owner of a new 2 ton Chevrolet truck, 50 model.
Robert Pigman and his sister, Miss Joyce Pigman, attended the show in Helena Saturday evening.
Mrs. Albert Albright and family spent the weekend at the farm home near Winston.
“Townsend Briefs”
Miss Laurie McCarthy, who is teaching in the high school in Phillipsburg, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene McCarthy, in Townsend. Miss McCarthy is planning a summer’s trip to Florida where she intends to enter some college for a summer’s course.
Mrs. A.C. Carson arrived here by plane Monday from Arlington, New Jersey and is visiting at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carson and visiting her son, Paul, who is a patient in the local hospital.
Lanny White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert White, was six years old Saturday, April 29, and to celebrate the event was host to several of his little friends at a supper and theater party. Guests were Larry Massa, Jimmy and Ray Thompson, Jerry Cooper, Dwain Arnett and Barry and Bradley White.
“Radersburg News”
Cecil Wine of Townsend was a caller in Radersburg Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Gerry Parker was at the Radersburg school Monday, lecturing the children on “litter bugging” in Montana.
Dennis Miller, who was home from Dillon for the weekend, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Meter in Helena. The Van Meters brought him home on Sunday and were dinner guests in the Wayne Miller home. Dennis returned to Dillon Sunday afternoon.
The eighth-grade students from Toston rode the bus to Townsend Wednesday to accompany other eighth grade student in the county on a conservation tour of the county. Those going from Radersburg were Alberta Thurston, Mary Jane Puttin, Lennie Harris and Sally Harris. Mrs. Smith took advantage of their absence to have the two pre-school children, Doug Miller and Bradley Dundas, spend the day at school so they would know what to expect next fall.
“Ten to Attend Divisional Track Meet at Billings”
Ten members of the BCHS track team will leave Thursday noon for the divisional track meet being held at Billings. Thirty other schools will be represented at the meet on Friday.
Boys making the trip and competing for BCHS are: George Gabisch, Mile Run; Dave Cameron, High Jump, Mile Run; Joe Jepson, Pole Vault; Brad Tarrant, 180 yard; Low Hurdles; Gary Richtmeyer, Shot Put; Dale Sprout, Pole Vault; Jim Smith, Shot Put; Jerry Bucy, 100 yd. Dash; Tim Ragen, Javelin; Mike Perry, Javelin.
These boys all placed in the district track meet held here last Wednesday.
“Crow Creek News”
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber, Jr. and family were Friday evening callers at the home of his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber, Sr. and family in Townsend.
Mrs. Herman Moudree and family were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. Gladys Foot in Helena.
Mrs. Mike Lewis and Michelle, Mrs. Gordon Sanderson and family, Mrs. Junior Lewis and Mrs. Mabel Williams visited Sunday in Helena with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Strong.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horne and daughters visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Horne and family in Martinsdale Sunday.
Jerry Kitto attended High School Week in Bozeman.
“East of Townsend News”
Mrs. Annabelle Diehl and Mrs. Rosella Whitehead of Helena spent a week sightseeing in Seattle.
Mary Antonick, daughter of Pat and Bob Antonick, received four red ribbons at the grade school track meet Saturday in Townsend.
Patti Schwisow of Missoula was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ragen.
John, Janice, Nikki and Robin Walsh were dinner guests Friday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Perry Rhyneer and Dean.
Bob Rowland and Tom Shindoll did some motorcycle riding Sunday afternoon.
Sp.4 Joseph S. Foster spent a couple of days travel time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foster and family. Joe was enorute to Alabama where he will be attending an explosives ordinance disposal school for the next 4 months. Following the schooling he will be stationed at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Whaley visited last weekend in Dillon with their son, Scott.
Lita Clark hosted a potluck barbeque Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corky Clark, for members of the senior class. Kris Sullivan assisted in the planning. Marge Stocks, Larry and Louise Sullivan and Corky and Myrna Clark did the cooking for the event. The gang enjoyed playing softball and cards.