This Week in History - May 18
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
May 18
“That’s the prize deer of the mountains – I shot it myself.” These were the words in answer to one of “Shorty” Safley’s bosses the other day when in the Townsend office.
The two men were transacting business. Shorty was intent upon some records on the desk, the overseer was gazing about the office and as his eyes surveyed the deer head on the wall, he asked with some disgust, “Who killed that measley old animal and what kind of a carcass is that” and a lot of other uncomplimentary remarks.
Needless to say Shorty came back in strong defense of his antlers, secured with so much of the old hunting skill and prowess last fall.
With swift flaring temper he waved his proud hand toward the proof of his words and what greeted his eyes would have made the most healthy nimrod’s stomach turn over.
There gracing the wall in the place of the beautiful mounted head was hung a most dilapidated, moth eaten, flee bitten deer head that could be imagined.
The editor of this newspaper doesn’t have to guess who played this prank on Shorty.
“Winston News”
A large crowd from Winston attended the Vigilante parade in Helena Friday.
Wesley Diehl attended the Junior Prom in Townsend Saturday night.
The Beacon Lite club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harold Hamlin. After a delicious luncheon, we discussed our picnic. We then had a quiz. Betty Hohn won first prize for the quiz; Annabelle Diehl won high honors in Hearts. The next meeting will be a picnic to be held at Alhambra.
“Toston News”
The teachers and the pupils of the Toston school entertained the mothers of the pupils at a Mother’s Day tea Monday afternoon. A program was given by the children, after which tea and cookies were served. Karen Johnson and Shirley Flynn presided at the tea table. Each mother was presented with a carnation.
Mrs. W.R. Thompson was a bus passenger to Great Falls Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marks and daughter and Mrs. Vera Quinn and sons spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hattie Hargrove.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beyers and Carol drove to Helena Friday for the Vigilante parade.
“Local News”
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grimm were in Harrison Friday night to attend 8th grade graduation ceremonies for their nephew, Gary Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Olsen.
Timothy Jim Holling was four years old Sunday and to celebrate the occasion his mother, Mrs. Chas. Holling, invited a number of his friends to help enjoy the time with him Saturday afternoon. Present were Mike, Kerry and Kris Sullivan, Doug Ellis and Susie Sautter, Lori and Lita Clark, Gary Wogamon, Stacy Wogamon, K.D., Mike and Pam Barnhart and Tim’s little brother, Sidney.
Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan were their daughter, Gay Ann, Judy Hennessey of Lenten, N.D., Judy Frew of Rexburg, Idaho and Celeste Dickens of Shanken, Montana. All are attending Carroll College in Helena.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirscher and family spent Mother’s Day in Judith Gap with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beers.
“VFW Installs New Officers”
Last Tuesday evening at the VFW Hall members of the VFW Auxiliary and of C.J. Lynch Post installed officers for the coming year. Mrs. C.T. Smith was initiated into the Auxiliary as a new member. Mrs. Jerry Stockburger served as installing officer for the Auxiliary and the following officers were installed: Mrs. Cliff O’Hern, president; Mrs. Paul Bester, first vice president; Mrs. Wesley Horne, second vice president; Mrs. Hugh Whitehead, conductor; Mrs. John Schmidt, secretary; Mrs. Wayne Waddell, treasurer; Mrs. Mae Tintinger, chaplain; Miss Helma Erickson, patriotic instructor; Mrs. Pedro Luna, guard; Mrs. Emma Murray, Mrs. Mae Duede, Mrs. C.T. Smith and Mrs. John Deadmond, color bearers.
John Schmidt was installing officer for the post and installed the following officers: Cliff O’Hern, commander; Randy Anderson, vice-commander; Kenneth Biggs, adjutant; Ray Kline, chaplain; Leslie Gorman, trustee.
Following installation, refreshments were served, and a social hour was enjoyed.
“88 Complete Dimes Walkathon”
The March of Dimes Walk-a-thon is over for another year and chairman, Dale Bjorge, announced that it was again successful. 123 Hikers participated in the event, and 88 of them completed the full 20 mile route.
A tie for the fastest walker was won by Mary Antonick and Spencer Ouren. Frank Holloway was again the oldest walker, and there is a possibility of two youngest walkers, so this will be determined by birth records. The Jaycees plan a collection picnic on Sunday at 1:00 at the water tower park. Prizes will then be awarded.
Overlooked in mention of business places donating to the walk-a-thon were the State Bank of Townsend, Fireside Lounge and Neifert and White. They and numerous other businesses donated money and prizes towards the effort to which the Jaycees are very grateful.