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Stoke Spring Programs
Author: Jim Domino, Stoke President

Stoke Spring Programs Jim Domino, Stoke President Hello from STOKE! Hard to believe Spring is here, and our next big STOKE event is just around the corner ....

Saturday, April 15th will be our Grand Opening of the new Pottery Building, beginning at 10 AM until 3:00 PM.,108 North Spruce Street. Food and drinks will be provided, along with pottery-making demonstrations, some really great door prizes, and a raffle for a weekend stay at Fairmont Hot Springs ($5 per ticket, need not be present to win). Contact for more information.

Another exciting spring program offering is Fly Tying! Registration for Fly Tying is available now and is first come-first served. There is a limit of 10 for the class. Classes are scheduled for Monday, April 17 and Friday, April 21, 2023 (6:00-7:00 PM) at the Lodge of Townsend, 131 South Spruce.

Watch for information on our 1st annual Sharp-Shinned Skate Park Clean-Up Day, at Holloway Park.

All our STOKE youth programs are free!

Call Jim or Amanda at 406-459-9618 or 406-459-7379 for more information about STOKE and our programs. Thanks and hope to see you soon!

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PhotoCredit: Jim Domino
Image 1 Caption: Stoke logog