About Us

MT43 News started from scratch with a new postal permit, a new main street office and the promise to 
cover the county's school activities and church activities. We provide unbiased coverage of city and
county governance and make an effort to keep up with activities of over 100 non-profit organizations.
All of these are issues core to the present and future of our community.
Our reporting draws on the talents of local writers, bringing 
a variety of voices to the table. In addition to a trainied government reporter, we feature a student
school reporter, a court reporter and a person who writes feature stories of our veterans on a weekly basis.
Broadwater County has faced major challenges and changes in its community culture. In the early 1950s the 
farm/ranch culture was completely changed when families were removed from their property, losing their 
homes as the new Canyon Ferry Dam filled Canyon Ferry Reservoir covering the rich bottom land along the 
Missouri River. Those changes were chronicled by the weekly newspaper.
Today we see major changes in the county due to the influx of people moving in from bigger cities and other states.
Substantive issues such as lack of water, loss of farm and ranch land are fron and center in our reporting. We try to
give voice to government officials who ami to address these issues. We try also to reach out to those among use who
resist change, who would rather look away from these problems or just complain about the present. Their voices need to
heard as well.
Those of us who are engaged in bringing you the news are the MT43 News board members: Rachael Brug, Linda Huth, Jeff Langlinais,
Nancy Marks and Vic Sample.  Our hardworking staff include layout and ad editor Sarah Tallwhiteman and office administrator Brenda Phillips.
Tell us ehat you think we could do better. Write letters to the editor so others know what you are thinking. A thinking community is one
growing in a positive direction.
We are pleased to be a part of that.

Publication Information:

  • ISSN 2833-2571
  • USPS Bulk Mailing Permit #43
  • First Publication Date: July 15, 2022
  • MT 43 News is published Friday of each week in Townsend, MT.

Contribute Articles, Guest Editorials, Letters-to-the-Editor

If you have an article, guest editorial or would like to send a "Letter To The Editor" you can email us at mt43news@mt43news.com

Contact US

If you would like to leave us a message just click on:  ContactUs and leave us a message 


Phone: (406) 266-0086

Email: mt43news@mt43news.com

Address: 401 Broadway

               Townsend, MT 59644