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Townsend Schools Strategic Planning Agenda


Susie Hedalen, Townsend Schools Superintendent
Townsend Schools Superintendent

Townsend Schools Strategic Planning Susie Hedalen, Townsend Schools Superintendent Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Monday, March 20, 2023;  6:00 PM – Community Room 210 North Pine Street, Townsend, MT  59644

Community Scheduling Model Listening Session

Over the last several weeks, three teams of various stakeholders, including Teachers, Staff, Administration, Board members, and Community members, have been researching the potential impact different scheduling models may have on our school, if implemented.

All community members and other stakeholders are welcome to attend. The focus of the meeting is to discuss various scheduling and instructional options that will help Townsend Schools meet the success criteria outlined within the four goal areas we've defined and developed within our strategic plan process.

Scheduling Models to be Discussed: Proficiency-Based Instruction, Block Scheduling, 4-Day School Week, Online or Blended Learning and more.

Strategic Planning Goal Areas:

Goal 1: Quality Education, Goal 2: Community Partnerships, Goal 3: Favorable Learning Environments, Goal 4: Staff Teamwork and Excellence

Susie Hedalen  Townsend School District Superintendent   406.441.3454

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