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This Week In History Jan 19


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

January 19


“State Bank Nears Fortieth Year”

The same board of directors and the same staff of officers will control the affairs at the State Bank of Townsend for another year following their annual meeting during the week.

On June 1st of this year, the bank will have reached its fortieth year in business in this community. Directors elected at the stockholders meeting on January 10th are: D.J. McCarthy, N.O. Bowman, P.H. Murphy, P.P. Kearns, James W. Kearns.

At a meeting held last Saturday the following officers were again elected by the board of directors: president, John P. Kearns; vice president, N.O. Bowman; cashier, P.H. Murphy; assistant cashier and vice president, James W. Kearns.

Cashier Murphy is spending the winter in Ohio with his brother.

“Woman’s Club to Meet Monday”

The Townsend Woman’s Club will hold its next regular meeting at the club room Monday afternoon January 23. Mrs. Edith Fox will be in charge of the literary program. Each person is requested to participate by reading a favorite short poem. The remainder of the program will consist of ballet dances by Juanita Sutherland and Louise Kieckbusch, a piano solo by Jack Zimmerman and a vocal duet by Mrs. F.N. Weed and Mrs. Eva Rose.


“Charles Tomcheck Elected President Broadwater C. of C.”

Charles Tomcheck was elected president of the Broadwater County Chamber of Commerce at a reorganization meeting held Thursday night in the Mint hotel.

Robert Kapinos was named vice president of the organization and Garrison Rains was re-elected secretary-treasurer.

Tomcheck succeeds Clifford Mockel, whose term on the board of directors expired at the end of 1949. Kapinos succeeds Tom Watkins. Newly elected directors took office during the meeting.

New members of the board of directors from Townsend include Paul Green, W.D. Neifert and Kapinos, retail store operators; T.L. Watkin, farmer and produce operator; Howard J. Doggett, creamery operator and rancher; and Dr. William McElwee.

Other new members of the board include Evan Kimpton, Crow Creek rancher; William Berberet, Toston rancher; William Diehl, Winston rancher and William Gaab, Canton rancher, representing the outlying districts of the county.

Holdover board members, who will serve with the new directors to make up the board this year, are Warren Parker of Crow Creek, Frank Flynn of Toston, Charles Masloa of Canton all ranchers, representing outlying districts. Townsend holdover members are D.L. Hollaway, Tomcheck, Charles Ross, Rudy Lundborg, Sam Rice retail merchants and Dave Langevin, barber.

At the meeting it was decided to purchase three Tillamook calves for the promotion of thoroughbred dairy stock in the community. The heifer calves will be nurtured by 4-H young men and when there is an increase the Chamber of Commerce will have a say as to what happens to their investment.


“Crow Creek News”

Mr. and Mrs. John Feistner drove to Three Forks Thursday where they were guests of his sister, Miss Alma Feistner. They helped Miss Feistner celebrate her birthday.

Mr. and Mr. Irv Davis and family of Bozeman were Sunday guests at the Woodrow Hensley home.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Leach and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bottler of Townsend were Thursday evening dinner guests of William and Pearl Kitto.

Mrs. W.K. Parker entertained at a dinner party in her home on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Kimpton of the valley, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davey of Townsend.

Callers at the William Kitto home Friday afternoon were Mrs. W.K. Parker and Art Berg.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimpton, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hunsaker and Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hunsaker attended the Inaugural Ball in Helena Saturday evening.


“Speech Club Continues to Do Well at Meets”

The Speech Club did well at Helena in rounds, but brought home no trophies from the Helena meet.

They won two first trophies at Livingston on Dec. 10, which were presented in Helena by Mr. Laurie Nelson of Livingston to Larry Mullany and Charles Sullivan, first place winners in debate, and Kathleen Mullany, first place winner in oratorical declamation.

Six beginning speakers have won twenty-five points or more this year and are now eligible for the first degree in the National Forensic League (NFL). They are Wayne Hoffman, Susan Webb, Kathleen Mullany, Virginia Fischer and Jerry Kitto. Lyla Mann has the 75 points necessary for the NFL Degree of Honor.

The speech group and their mothers are planning the annual chili supper to be held in the multi-purpose room February 7.


“Winston-Clasoil News”

Charlie and Wilma Masolo and Bob and Gay Ann Masolo attended a buffet supper and wedding reception on Saturday evening at the Legion Hall which was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn who were recently married in Kalispell.

Bob Hohn left on Friday for Charleston, S.C. where he was to leave for Germany over the weekend for active duty.

Among the Winston-Clasoil residents attending the annual John Deere Day at Strong and Bradley on Monday afternoon were: Rick Diehl; John Diehl; Jeff Jones; Charlie, John and Bob Masolo; Leslie Davies; Allan, Judy and Jeanne Davies; Alfred Myles; and Charles, Barbara and Ken Baum. A good feed was put on by Scoffield and Flynn, which was enjoyed by all and the usual film was shown and door prizes awarded