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Letter-to-the-editor: I Support Kyle McMurray
Author: Brenda Van Otterloo

I Support Kyle McMurray

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my strong support for Kyle McMurray's candidacy for Montana HD77. As a dedicated member of our community, born and raised in Manhattan, Montana, Kyle possesses the qualities and values necessary to effectively represent us in Helena.

Kyle McMurray understands the challenges facing our community, including the burden of property taxes on homeowners. He is committed to finding solutions to lower property taxes and ease the financial strain on families while ensuring essential services are adequately funded.

Furthermore, Kyle is a staunch advocate for protecting property rights. He recognizes the importance of safeguarding our rights as property owners and will work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are heard when it comes to decisions impacting our land and homes.

Most importantly, Kyle is dedicated to upholding Montana values. He understands the unique character of our state and will fight to preserve the traditions, freedoms, and way of life that make Montana special.

Now, more than ever, we need a leader like Kyle McMurray who is willing to roll up his sleeves and work hard for our community. I urge my fellow residents to support Kyle McMurray for HD77 and to vote for him in the upcoming election.

Thank you for your consideration.


Brenda Van Otterloo

Born and raised Montana Resident