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Rainstorm Turns into a Gully Washer


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Rainstorm Turns into a Gully Washer

MT 43 News Staff

People were running for their cars and into the grocery store in Townsend midday Sunday afternoon when a huge rainstorm hit. The result was water running in the streets and down the hill on Old Woman’s Grave Road near the Missouri River bridge.

By noon on Monday, unofficial rain gauges showed over 1 and ½ inches had fallen.

According to unofficial precipitation keeper Jeff Ross, the rain began at 3:32 p.m. on the east side of Canyon Ferry Lake with a maximum rain rate of 2.01 inches per hour within ten minutes. The first wave was over in thirteen minutes with a total rate of 0.47 inches. Ross lives on Upper Ray Creek Road.

According to Public Works Director TJ Graveley on Tuesday, no county roads were badly damaged by the downpour.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Water running down the hill on Old Woman’s Grave Road near the Missouri River bridge. Photo Credits: Nancy Marks